This website contains the largest selection of Greek wine available in the UK. Vickbar has begun with Greek wines, making a careful selection from the wines of winemakers generally recognised as the best in Greece, because the diverse climates and terroirs of the country as well as the enormous number of its native varietals provide an exciting range of unusual structures that are both intense and suggestive. At a time when so much else in the wine world is so similar, these Greek wines will appeal to anyone looking not just for excellence but also for a vinous pleasure that is quite distinct.
Our first additions to the list beyond Greece come from New Zealand and Croatia and have also been chosen for their distinction. Our New Zealand wines come from the acclaimed Central Otago winery, Gibbston Valley, and from the distinguished Martinborough estate of Nga Waka. From Croatia our initial selection consists of two very interesting Malvasias from the Ortonero estate in Istria.
The winemakers represented in these pages regularly win high distinctions in international competitions. Our selection has also been endorsed by the presence of these New Zealand, Croatian and Greek wines on many of the most prestigious restaurant wine lists in England. Our website now provides the opportunity for a wider public to purchase and enjoy these wonderful wines.